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Frequently Asked Questions When Booking into a Trial Lesson

  • What does my child need to wear to a trial lesson?

    For training athletes are able to wear comfortable sports clothing that are appropriate for the weather conditions and allow comfortable movement. For example, shorts and singlet in summer, and leggings and shirt in winter. Please be mindful that the clothing needs to be gymnastics-friendly, which means no clothing that has zips which can get caught in equipment or hurt the athlete during acrobatic moves like forward rolls. We also ask that the clothes be somewhat tight fitting, so the tops don’t come up as the athletes do cartwheels. If girls choose to wear shorts, please be mindful that these are size appropriate and modest shorts that cover appropriate areas. Socks are optional. Please keep hair tied up and out of the face.

  • What does my child need to bring to the trial lesson?

    Please bring a waterbottle to class.

  • How do I get to the venue?

    Robertson Venue:

    We are located inside the Robertson State School Hall. Please drive to the end of Estoril Street (Robertson, QLD, 4109), then proceed through the gates into the carpark and you will see the hall in front. If the door looking out to the carpark is closed, please walk to the left-side of the hall for the secondary entrance.

    Sherwood Venue:

    We are located inside the Sherwood United Church Hall. Please drive to Thallon Street (Sherwood, QLD, 4075), then proceed  into the carpark near the church and you will see the hall at the back to the left.

  • What do we do when we arrive to the venue?

    When you arrive at the venue please be mindful that coaches may be either setting up or still be coaching a preceeding class. Please wait for the start time of your class, and if unable to locate the corretc class or coach for your child, please ask one of the coaches wearing a purple shirt. To check which class your child has been booked into, please check your confirmation email.

  • How many kids will be in he class?

    At Aspire we aim to keep our coach-to-gymnast ratio down to ensure each child feels heard and has the time to have a connection with the coach during each class. This also allows us to monitor progress of your child/ren and of course allows us to further their ability in the time they have with us.  On average, our coach-to-gymnast ratio for 3-4-year-old classes is 8 athletes per coach, and for all other classes is 10 athletes per coach. 

  • Can parents stay and watch the class?

    Parents are welcome to stay and watch the class should they wish. We have hoops and balls flying around at times, so we ask that any parents staying to watch please take a seat and observe the class away from the mat. 

  • What happens after the trial lesson?

    If you wish to enrol your child into our program after the trial lesson you can do this in our parent portal (you can find informaiton on this in the welcome email), or you can email us directly to assist with this process - please confirm the class you wish to enrol your child into and the date of their first lesson. If you do not wish to enrol, there is nothing you need to do. If you would like to provide feedback, we are always happy to receive it.

  • What if I have questions after the lesson?

    We absolutely love connecting with parents about their wonderful children! However, our coaches are often busy with back-to-back classes, and at the end of your child’s session, they may need to prepare for their next class. For the best experience, we encourage you to email us with any questions. Alternatively, if you'd like to speak directly with a coach, please check with them first to see if they have time for a quick chat.

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